I Love Learning

learning top reads Jan 14, 2022
"The people with the most potential are the ones who know they have a lot to learn." -- Adam Grant
Well, I have an abundance of learning to do -- good thing I LOVE learning. The key is turning my learning into actionable moments and sharing those moments.
My purpose is to move humanity forward -- to be a light in the world by spreading joy and human kindness. I reflect on Archbishop Desmond Tutu's passing this past week. His joy, passion, and commitment to humanity and connectedness has and will continue to inspire me. In 2014, I stepped on the TEDx SpectrumHealth stage and boldly spoke to the spirit of Ubuntu - I am who I am because of you. In other words, I am human because I belong. I participate.
In 2020, I launched Exponential Inclusion, a world positive company (www.exi.global). In 2021, I listened to my heart and courageously decided it was time to live in congruence with who I am and what I've been trained to do. I am an entrepreneur, facilitator, coach, creator, speaker, lover of humanity.
My goal is to transform lives through shared learning, belonging circles, and bringing superpowers together to change the future through impact projects. My superpower sits at the intersection of inclusion, innovation, and high performance. I believe that together we can move humanity forward.
In the spirit of learning more deeply about humanity, living fully and well, building human connection, thinking differently, and inspiring action, I read some life changing books. I highly recommend each and every book below. Here's to more amazing learning and activation in 2022!

Learn more about EXI's El Camino Mastermind, a 6-month transformative journey beginning in May 2024!

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