Cultural Diversity: Problem or Possibilities?

Jan 05, 2022

The last 2 years have been a time of change and pivoting. Wash and repeat -- literally and figuratively. Businesses of all sizes focused on staying afloat, shifting business priorities, inventing new products, processes, and services, and adjusting to working remotely and serving online. 

We experienced a rise in racial tensions, cultural divides, and calls for justice. Numerous companies stepped forward with anti-racism statements and policies. And for many companies Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) became a strategic business priority. Some feared this change, some cheered this change. Whether you feared or cheered, my question is -- what is your drive to understand, plan for, and act on growing cultural diversity in your business? If we view culture as the way things are done around here, cultural diversity includes values connected to our ethnicity/race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, abilities, and working styles.  In your mind, is cultural diversity a problem to be solved or an opportunity to innovate? In other words, are you approaching DEI with a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?   

The Problem

If we operate with a fixed mindset, unintentionally saying my way is the right way, we limit our personal and company growth. We hire “like me” talent - talent that looks like me, thinks like me, behaves like me, values what I value. We surround ourselves with people who do not challenge our views and perspectives, risking group think which leads to the same old outcomes. A fixed mindset tells us to do it how we’ve always done it. Experimentation and change is too risky,  too far out of our comfort zone. We tried that years ago and it didn’t work. We hired someone from group X and they weren’t a fit with our company culture. We already know what our customers want.  And what is the impact of a fixed mindset? Missed opportunity for personal and company growth.

The Possibilities 

Heading into 2022, we have the opportunity to shift to a growth mindset and plan for a year that will 10x our DEI impact. Here are 4 ways to grow your cultural intelligence and increase your success

    1. Notice the signals. When you react negatively to something someone does -- triggering your amygdala, flaring your temper, questioning their intentions -- pause and take a deep breath. It will help your brain regain control of your reactions.  Under stress we often revert to “our way is the right way.” When we are aware of our signals, and seek to understand intentions, we can establish new healthy and culturally intelligent responses
    2.  Make a development plan. Create a personal and organizational learning plan to build your DEI knowledge. Start by asking what must I learn and how will I learn it? Find books, blogs, podcasts, online training, virtual workshops, webinars, and mentors. Schedule continued development in your calendar for 2022.
    3.  Actively seek feedback and reflect on how others view your actions. Ask what will I make happen in 2022 related to DEI? What is my targeted outcome? Work backwards to outline the steps you need to take. Then, reflect on your plan, seeking input and feedback from various cultural groups. 
    4. Level up your community. How diverse are your personal and organizational suppliers? Compare yourself to culturally intelligent leaders and organizations. Ask how they achieve inclusive outcomes. Be curious and open to their responses. Surround yourself with thought partners that will challenge you to model behaviors you want to see in others. Seek differing ideas and perspectives that could lead you and your teams to the next level of innovation. 

The coming months and years will bring more change and pivoting. Cultural diversity is a tool to use as you change and pivot. See it as an opportunity for growth rather than a problem to be solved. Successful DEI efforts call for a combination of courage, vulnerability, empathy and bold new ways of operating.  When working across cultures, we learn to iterate and adapt quickly. Growth, not perfection, is the goal. Your challenge: increase your cultural intelligence and experience the power of exponential inclusion.

With Joy!

Your Coach and Inclusion Strategist, 


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