Ep5: Of Hikes and Personal Transformations

In this special  episode of Inclusion at Scale Podcast, our host, Kristin Joy Ekkens, introduces her vision for personal transformation and its role in achieving "Exponential Inclusion." Join us as we listen in on Episode 5: Of Hikes and Personal Transformations

Kristin emphasizes the need for various levels of transformation, from personal to global, and highlights the importance of understanding oneself deeply to foster human connection. She shares her own experiences and the inspiration behind her vision, referencing a transformative hike she took on El Camino de Santiago, 24 years ago. She introduces the concept of the "El Camino Mastermind," a six-month program culminating in a physical and mental journey along El Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. This mastermind aims to bring together a diverse group of individuals, including visionaries, global leaders, and social entrepreneurs, fostering deep human connections and personal growth.

Kristin discusses the themes of courage, curiosity, communication, change, culture, and connection that will be explored during the mastermind. We invite everyone to join this transformative journey towards healing the world through love, human connection, and personal reflection.



El Camino Mastermind by EXI